T20 Kra Chai Dam Herbal Tea (Fatigue and Drowsiness Treatment)

The power of a tiger. It has a general toning effect on the body, reducing general weakness, increased fatigue and drowsiness. Increases mental and physical activity, libido. Reduces the level of cholesterol (LDL) and glucose in the blood. Improves and stimulates the work of the heart. Strengthens coronary vessels. Positively affects life expectancy. It is used in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia.
Healing Tea Blend
According to the recommendations of the Chulabhorn Mahidon University, they have a complementary effect and improve the result, in combination with the T22 Dee Bour Tea and the T16 Safflower provides a comprehensive full effect on heart strengthening. For preparation, it is necessary to take a teaspoon of each herb, pour warm water (50-75 ° C) in a vacuum flask or a sealed container, infuse for 4 hours.
Drink 250ml after or during meals for , 1-2 teaspoons (5g) infuse with 500ml of hot water (t = 90-95 ° C) and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. You can also use a small amount of 15g when preparing soups.
Brew is allowed to be kept at room temperature for no more than 2 days, dry tea is recommended to be stored away from direct sunlight, at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius
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