T14 Lotus Pollen Herbal Tea (Women's Health Improvement)
The drink is rich in substances that are useful for women. Eliminates pain and cramps in the uterus, relieves the feeling of heavines. Pollen contains essential oils that work in harmony with the body, helping it to restore and balance its natural functions. The drink will make you even more beautiful and desirable. Helps solve the problems of women's health, rejuvenation, helps become attractive, sexy, gives strength and confidence. It is indicated for nervous, weakened, easily exhausted from any work women.
Drink 250ml after or during meals , 1-2 teaspoons (5g) infuse with 500ml of hot water (t = 55-70 ° C) and let it brew for 5-7 minutes, you can use it as an additive to tea. Cold method: pour water and leave for a few hours, after that you can add honey or lemon juice to taste.
Brew is allowed to be kept at room temperature for no more than 2 days, dry tea is recommended to be stored away from direct sunlight, at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius
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