Thai Red Chili Pepper Powder 75 gr.

A peculiar red powder that finds its way onto both meat and veggies, both hot and cold. Thai chili powder is indispensable in many Asian cuisines.
A chili pepper that’s grown as both an ornamental plant and for its fruit. These peppers are let to sit on the plant until they turn fire engine red and burn brighter than the sun and then ground into a fine powder.
While the heat is certainly intense, they possess certain red bell pepper and citrus flavors that make them more than simple fire starters. Use at the beginning of cooking to add not only spice, but also brightness to a dish.
Use in cooking
- Thai chili powder is fantastic with cold salads, fish sauces, added to sugar, roasted chicken, or cabbage. Make this Red Thai Chile Powder into a paste by mixing with ginger, coconut, garlic, and curry leaves, then add to sweet potatoes for a tasty dish.
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