No.4 Ya Nam Ma Krud Herb Extract

$23.19 $27.28 -15%
1089g. TH 100+

Cleans the body, removes toxins, toxins and contributes to a surge of vitality. Improves skin condition. Acne, acne. Activates the work of the hormonal system. Recommended for male and female infertility. Facilitates the condition during menopause. Normalizes metabolism, helps to reduce weight. Reduces fatigue and increases performance. Normalizes the level of thyroid hormones - hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism


Herbing from grass for women Ya Nam Ma Krud №4

The natural collection of Ya Nam Ma Krud helps to strengthen and restore female health, having dealt with infectious diseases of the reproductive system, disorders of the menstrual cycle of psychosomatic nature. There are only natural ingredients of natural origin:

• The papeds are annihiless - is distinguished by severe antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, and in these indicators, an extract from the plant is comparable to some antibiotics. It, for example, is effective against streptococci, pneumococci, as well as golden staphylococcus. At the same time, the plant has a general strengthening and tonic effects. It helps with violations of the menstrual cycle, intoxications, as well as the consequences of chronic stresses;

• Ginger Kasumunar (purple ginger) is a storehouse of essential oils and flavonoids, which are characterized by a powerful anti -inflammatory effect. Also, the extract from ginger is characterized by anti -inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal effects. With regular consumption, it normalizes peristalsis and general work of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, contributing to the rejuvenation of the female body. Also, with constant use, it has a pronounced effect of Aphrodisiac, allowing you to cope with libido disorders;

• Dudnik Chinese - in Asian medicine, many centuries in a row have been used to treat anemia, used to stop disturbances in the female menstrual cycle. Possessing a pronounced antispathetic and anesthetic effect, it helps to cope with pain and unpleasant sensations, and also facilitates the course of menopause for women;

• Senna Siamskaya - the plant has been used in folk Thai medicine since ancient times as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Official medicine found out that the hood from Senna has antitumor and hypotensive actions, and is also a natural antioxidant, neuroleptic and sedate;

• Patanga is another antibacterial and anti -inflammatory component. Doctors managed to find out that the hood from the plant tones the uterus, relieves inflammation of the endometrium, increases the likelihood of conception, toning the muscle shell of the phallopium pipes. With regular use, the product helps to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin;

• Derris Skandens - a plant from the Indochinese region used in the treatment of osteochondrosis and rheumatism. Its components relieve muscle pain and ligaments, fight with chronic fatigue syndrome, raise muscle tone and increase performance.

Indications for use

Herbal extracts for women are used to extend the active phase of life, distinguish menopause, and strengthen female libido. Also, the drug is useful for intense mental and physical exertion, normalizes the work of endocrine, muscle and digestive systems, increases performance, improves mood and returns interest in life during menopause.

How to take ya nam ma krud

20 ml on an empty stomach once a day for five weeks, if necessary, the course can be renewed.

Side effects and contraindications

A tool based on natural plant components is usually well tolerated by the human body, but in rare cases, symptoms of individual intolerance can occur, expressed in the appearance of rash and mild nausea. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy and feeding, as well as in children and adolescent age. A natural supplement for food helps women to extend youth, to maintain activity and cheerfulness during menopause and menopause.


No.4 Extract from Ya Nam Ma Krud 700ml herbs

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4.6/5 (10 reviews)

Дрюкова-Уланова Юлия RU
Были проблемы с щитовидной, покупала такую вытяжку в Таиланд, потом заказывала по почте, замечательное лекарство! Тайская народная медицина на сегодня одна из лучших, сколько препаратов брали-все помогали)
Inna Moskvitina RU
Пью неделю по одной столовой ложке натощак! Бодрость, лёгкость. При менструальном цикле практически не было никаких неприятных ощущений. Но это результат спустя неделю. Буду наблюдать за состоянием спустя месяц использования!
Травяная вытяжка не напрягает при приеме. Доверяю товарам фирмы, и беру не в первый раз
Семёнова Надежда Александровна
Будьте осторожны. Тем у кого миомы, мастопатия - нельзя. Средство увеличивает эстрогены. У меня обострилось состояние
Савина Ольга
Брала первый раз в аптеке в Тайланде, через год еще раз заказывала на сайте (2 года назад). Реально помогает от прыщей. Всю жизнь было лицо в прыщах во время критических дней, после приема этой вытяжки кожа до сих пор остается чистой.
Марина Астахова
Это средство очень нравится, пользуемся несколько лет! Соответствует аннотации!
Не поняла еще эффекта, ТТГ за месяц отказа от эутирокса , при приеме вытяжки, вырос до 16. Теперь пью эутирокс, потом вытяжку
Ирина Трофимова
Замечательное средство!! Пропила несколько раз, результат положительный. Первый раз приобретала на фабрике в Тайланде, была экскурсия, затем заказывала.
Ильмира Тумарова
Чудо настойка!!! Пью 3 года с перерывами щитовидка благодарна!
Helped to get rid of my forehead acne, that I have had for several years. But unfortunataly have not solve my fertility problem. Then I forced to undergo a surgery.

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