No.1 Ya Bam Rung Rang Kai

General tonic mixture of 70 components. Normalizes metabolism, eliminates the chronic fatigue syndrome. Improves physical endurance, exercise performance, releases mental and physical tension, fatigue, weather sensitivity. Protects the body against colds. Rehabilitates after diseases and surgeries. Stabilizes blood pressure (if prepared by boiling). Purifies liver, kidneys, bowel from cholesterol plaques.
Pregnancy, lactation, babyhood or early childhood
Directions for use
Alcohol-based: pour 2-4 liters of vodka, add (optional) 4 tbsp. of honey, and infuse up to 10 days, stirring periodically. The mixture can be used twice. Store dried mixture in shady place at room temperature. For second use infuse within 30 days.
Water-based (boiling): pour 2 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, and infuse for 2 hours, then filter. Store the infusion in the refrigerator, dried mixture in freezer. Can be used twice.
Do not use silica gel (moisture absorbent).
Directions for use
Orally 30-50 ml for adults once a day 2-3 hours before bedtime. For children aged over 6 years old - 20-30 ml (water-based) once a day in 2 hours before sleep. The treatment course is 4 weeks, pause 4 weeks before next course.
Alcohol-based infusion should be protected from direct sunlight and stored at temperature between 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. Water-based infusion should be stored in refrigerator.
Feedback and questions:
5/5 (12 reviews)

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