Healing Set No.1 Respiratory System Detox

$40.39 $47.52 -15%
326g. TH 100+

This healing complex is an intensive withdrawal of toxins and reducing the harmful effects of nicotine on the lungs. Reduction of the symptoms of "smoker's bronchitis."


1 pack - No.37 Rang Juet

1 pack - No.19 Boraped

1 pack - No.43 Hanuman

How it works

Usage of No.37 Rang Jued reduces the toxic effect of nicotine on the body, helps eliminate toxins, reduces excessive craving for cigarettes, reduces the pleasure, reinforcing effects from their intake. Provides gradual withdrawal. It has a pronounced antitoxic effect. Consumption of  No.19 Boraped suppresses inflammation, contributes to the reduction of symptoms of chronic bronchitis (smoker's bronchitis).
Application No.43 Hanuman strengthens the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of No.19 Boraped, eliminates  painful cough, dyspnea.


Bronchitis smoker, nicotine addiction, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases).

Directions for use

  • No.37 Rang Juet - take 1 capsule 3 times daily before meals;
  • No.19 Boraped - take 1 capsule 3 times daily before meals;
  • No.43 Hanuman - take 1 capsule 3 times daily before meals.

(3 capsules - one capsule of each medicine 3 times daily before meals)

Course diration

4 weeks


Pregnancy, lactation

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5/5 (5 reviews)

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Отличный комплекс.
Эльвира Алехина RU
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Лариса Кайнова
Комплекс хорош.
Чахоян Аэлита Даниеловна RU
Покупала комплекс для папы. У него эмфизема легких, по ночам и утрам мучали приступы кашля. Кашель пропал, но мокрота пока есть. Решила продолжить лечение.
Александр Кузнецов
Отличный комплекс! Заменил нам все аптечные лекарства от кашля, лечит любой кашель за 3-5 дней, мокрота просто куда-то рассасывается. Рекомендую всем.

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