Healing Set No.15 Cleansing the body from toxins and toxins.

Neutralization of the consequences of a negative environmental situation, detox.
No.35 Ya Ra Bai (Intestine Function Normalization)
No.26 Luk Tai Bai (Liver Treatment)
No.37 Rang Jued (Anti-Poison Medication)
1. Indications:
Cleansing the intestines from toxic metabolic products;
Introduces radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and metabolic products;
Eliminates harmful substances (toxins, poisons) accumulated in the body;
Improves liver and kidney function;
Restores the acid-base balance of the body.
2. Contraindications:
Pregnancy, lactation period
3. Method of application:
No.35 Ya Ra Bai (Intestine Function Normalization) - take 1-3 capsules before bedtime (at night), course 15 days.
After completing course No.35:
No.26 Luk Tai Bai (Liver Treatment) - take 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals, course 15 days.
After completing course No.26:
No.37 Rang Jued (Anti-Poison Medication) - Remedy for poisoning and toxic effects - take 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals, course 15 days.
Feedback and questions:
5/5 (16 reviews)

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