Erawadee fake and original? Why does the label vary from country to country?

Recently, we are often asked the question - why is the label different from the one indicated on the site, or from the one that was bought on the marketplace from our partners? There are several answers to this question.

First reason #1.

We deliberately change our design every 2-3 years, complicate the packaging, add various markings and insignia. At the same time, we can always tell whether your product is original or not.

Example of counterfeit products No. 51

Reason #2

When delivering products to different countries, there is a big difference between the writing of goods, in terms of legislation. For example, for Thailand there is not much difference if No. 51 Ya Dom has such a name. For Indonesia, too, there is not much difference. But for Russia, if Herbs&Plants No. 51 Ya Dom is written on the package, this name of the product must be fully registered when importing products, otherwise the product may not be allowed through. Therefore, for our partners, we simplified the name to the classic Ya Dom and removed the numbering

Counterfeit Product Example #53

Original production example #16 Thao En On

Example of original production No. 51 Ya Dom

You can always contact us on the hotline to contact us in any way indicated on the site to confirm the originality of the products.

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